Title: A Better Man: A Sunshine Creek Vineyard Novel
Classification: Adult Fiction
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Series: Sunshine Creek Vineyard
Format: Paperback; 368 pages
Publisher: Avon (March 29, 2016)
ISBN-10: 0062351176
ISBN-13: 978-0062351173
Author's Website: http://www.candisterry.com/
Notes: I received an ARC (Advanced Reader Copy) from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. I am also an Avon Addict which means I love the books that Avon publishes enough to volunteer to read as many ARCs and books as they can send my way. So you'll be seeing a lot of books reviewed by me from this publisher. Please note, however, that if I don't like a book, it will be truthfully reflected by a low rating. Please note that as I read an ARC, any quotes listed are subject to change, they will need to be checked and verified against the final version.
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Jordan Kincade has just taken a break from his hockey career to bury his mother and father. They died suddenly and tragically in Hawaii when the helicopter they were touring with went down. The family is devastated and he and his brothers are trying to pick up the pieces and take over the family winery and the care of their younger sister, After reuniting with his family, Jordan is struck by how much he's missed because of his chosen career which involves a lot of traveling. Realizing life is short, he starts wondering if maybe it's time to hang up his skates and move back home.
Lucy Diamond knows all about Jordan Kincade. She tutored him in high school, and he was supposed to take her out on a date graduation night. He'd never shown up, and she's never really forgiven him. Now he's back and the sparks that once seemed to fly between them are beginning to ignite once again. Can she trust her heart to such a man? Dare she?
This is the first book of the Sunshine Creek Vineyard series and it I absolutely loved it. The push and pull magnetism between these to was fun to watch. Jordan is an undeniable ladies man who has finally decided he wants something more and finds Lucy just as delectable as he did when they were kids. While most would say she isn't his type, there is just something about the pretty, smart, young woman that has always attracted him to her. The problem is she wants absolutely nothing to do with him. He'll have to prove to her she's not just the latest flavor of the month and show her he's changed.
Lucy still remembers the night Jordan stood her up like it was yesterday. She'd gone against her better judgement and taken a chance when she agreed to the date only to be humiliated when he didn't show. She's vowed to herself to make smarter decisions and never fall for someone like Jordan again. I so enjoyed watching Jordan break down Lucy's walls and not all of them were tied to what Jordan did. She's got baggage and it's not of the good variety.
Jordan kind of grew on me. He's the type of guy who has a good heart and doesn't give up easily when he sets his sights on something or someone. Lucy just got in his line of view and she will have a hard time resisting him when he turns on the charm.
I couldn't help but give this one 5 out of 5 roses. It was charming, fun, and sexy with a touch of mystery added in for good measure--the brothers find that someone has been stealing a good deal of money from the winery and are determined to follow the money trail. Additionally, there is some added depth because Jordan's sister, Nicole, is taking the loss of her parents hard, and is targeting digs at Jordan whom she claims to be little more than a "stranger" to her. While not altogether untrue, she seems to be aiming the brunt of her grief anger at him. He's determined to get to the bottom of what is going on and help her through this difficult time and that's how he won me and Lucy over. On the Lisarenee Romance scale, this one scored a FAN rating--the temperature in the room seems to have suddenly gone up a couple of degrees and a fan would be nice.
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