Title: Perfect for You
Classification: Adult Fiction
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Series: Sunshine Creek Vinyard (Book 2)
Format: Paperback; 368 pages
Publisher: Avon (February 28, 2017)
ISBN-10: 0062471848
ISBN-13: 978-0062471840
Author's Website: http://www.candisterry.com/
Notes: I received an ARC (Advanced Reader Copy) from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. I am also an Avon Addict which means I love the books that Avon publishes enough to volunteer to read as many ARCs and books as they can send my way. So you'll be seeing a lot of books reviewed by me from this publisher. Please note, however, that if I don't like a book, it will be truthfully reflected by a low rating. Please note that as I read an ARC, any quotes listed are subject to change, they will need to be checked and verified against the final version.
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Brooke Hastings has been Declan Kincade's administrative assistant for four years. During that time she's developed a massive crush on the handsome man, and has been trying to get him to look her way. Declan, however, is a work obsessed stick-in-the-mud that Brooke feels needs to be shaken up a little. Armed with her 'fearless' bracelet, she decides to create a situation that forces the two of them to take a long business trip by car. With the two of them in such close quarters for so long he's bound to take notice, right? If not she's got several other tricks up her sleeve. Declan doesn't stand a chance.
This was a very cute story, but I didn't warm up to Brooke for quite some time. Almost from the get-go Brooke manipulates things in a manner that put me on guard. We go in knowing hardly anything about her and it took me awhile to feel her intentions were noble, or at least as noble as they can be when you're attempting to seduce your boss. All the while she's tempting and testing the waters with Declan to see if the two would be a good match. One of the items on her bucket list is to marry the man of her dreams. She thinks he may be the one.
Declan was sort of clueless and a little miffed by Brooke's behavior. He was afraid to make a move, but desperately wanted to. He believes himself not to be relationship material and feels that starting something with Brooke can only lead to disaster. She'll have to prove him wrong and that won't be easy.
Overall I gave this one 3 1/2 out of 5 roses. I found Brooke's shenanigans amusing and Declan's attempt to do the right thing charming. There are some twists and turns which shook thinks up a bit and made things interesting. On the Lisarenee Romance Rating Scale this one gets a FAN rating--the temperature in the room seems to have suddenly gone up a couple of degrees and a fan would be nice.
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