Classification: Adult Fiction
Genre: Contemporary Romace
Series: Between the Bases
Format: Paperback: 384 pages
Publisher: Avon (May 26, 2015)
ISBN-10: 0062372165
ISBN-13: 978-0062372161
Notes: I am part of Jennifer Bernard's Street Team which means I love her books enough to help get the word out when they get released. I also occasionally get free swag and access to ARCs (Advanced Reader Copies), but I'd still be part of her street team even if those weren't offered.
Some relationships end amicably. Some relationships end with hurt feelings. When Sadie broke off her relationship with Hamilton Wade, however, it ended in a most horrific way. He posted pictures of her in various states of undress on Facebook as well as circulating an embarrassing video, all of which she had no idea he'd taken. After being betrayed so badly, Sadie's hesitant to get involved with anyone again. When Caleb Hart starts paying her attention, she's determined not to make the same mistake twice by dating the wrong type of guy, but Caleb is making that decision hard.
Caleb Hart was in the major leagues until his pitching took a turn for the worse. Now playing for the Kilby Catfish, a minor league team, he's hoping to break his streak of bad luck and get himself back in the majors. He's a nice guy who has helped raise his younger siblings, Like Sadie, he has a past, but unlike Sadie he's managed to keep it a secret. When he feels a strong attraction to Sadie, he'll try to convince her to take a chance on him but will their pasts get in the way?
While no one's perfect, each will end up wondering if the other can accept 'All of Me.'
This is the first book of a new series that I thoroughly enjoyed. It brought to light some of the dangers the age of camera phones brings with it--namely that pictures and videos can be taken very easily without someone's knowledge. It reminded me a little of the Paris Hilton's sex video that was released by her ex-boyfriend. While Paris managed to gain notoriety and profit from her embarrassing video, Sadie gained nothing but a bad reputation. Yes, ladies it's a whole new world out there and you need to be careful.
I enjoyed how the book had so many uplifting messages like we shouldn't let our past define us and that things can get better. I adored Sadie's inextinguishable spirit which never let her give in to the despair of what her ex-boyfriend did to her. Bouncing back from something like that would not be easy. Additionally, I like how Ms Bernard touches on how we are our own person and aren't defined by the mistakes our parents make. We can choose to be our own person, learn from other's mistakes, and choose our own path.
Overall, I gave this one 4 out of 5 roses. While the book touched on some serious subject matter, it still contained a lot of Jennifer's signature humor. It delved into a wide range of emotions and I liked how these two likable characters got what they each deserved--each other. As I read, the saying, 'When life hands you lemons, make lemonade." came to mind. On the Lisarenee Romance Rating Scale, this one earned a STEAM rating--too hot for a fan, but you still have a handle on things. You should use extreme caution when reading a book with this rating in public. People may inquire as to why you looked flustered and flushed. I look forward to reading the rest of the series.
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