This challenge was inspired by Sara from the Goodreads group Who's Your Author? She wanted to do a wife swap Kate of the Kate Daniels series with Mercy from the Mercedes Thompson series after reading Night Broken by Patricia Briggs.
This challenge was created for the Who's Your Author? Goodreads group by yours truly. To get to the challenge, CLICK HERE.
How this challenge works:
Select either two characters to match up or two couples to swap mates/spouses from literature.
Option One - If you select two characters, you'll simply pair them up either by reading two different books each of which has one of the characters in it, doing a spell-it-out challenge using their names or finding books with characters which share a name with your intended characters (first, last, nickname).
Option Two - If you select a couple to do a supernatural (or other) spouse/mate swap you'll simply pair the couples up either by reading books the different couples are in, doing a spell-it-out challenge using their names or finding books with characters which share a name with your intended characters (first, last, nickname).
Option Three - Create-A-Story around the couple your doing a swap with or the pair you're looking to set up. You can use a combination of titles and cover pictures to create your story.
Examples of a Spell-It-Out:
You may use:
- the first letter in the Author's (first, last, or nickname)
- the first letter in a character's (first, last, or nickname)
- the first letter of the first word in the title. If the first word is A, An, The, etc, then feel free to use the first letter of the second word in the title.
Kate/Mercy Wife Swap example:
K - Kenyon, Sherrilyn author of Illusion
A - Aiken, G.A.; author of Dragon Actually
T - Toxic Heart by Theo Lawrence
E - Edward; a character in Twilight by Stephenie Meyer
M - The Masterful Mr. Montague by Stephanie Laurens
E - Estep, Jennifer; Author of Spider's Bite
R - Rachel Caine; author of Ghost Town
C - City of Heavenly Fire by Cassandra Clare
Y - Yesterday by Fern Michaels
Example of a Create-A-Story:
Simulated match up of Ian (from Night Huntress) with Simi (from Dark Hunters).
One Silent Night two very different people encountered one another in The Way of Shadows. He'd come seeking Sweet Revenge while she'd come looking for a bottle of her favorite BBQ sauce.
He took in her goth type outfit and asked, "What are you doing out and about, Love?" and flashed her a sparkly half crooked wicked grin. "Don't you know there are things that Bite in the night?"
Mesmorized by his shiney sparkly teeth she said, "The Simi knows all about biting." Giving him a lopsided grin. "I searching for A Quick Bite myself."
Wondering if the seemingly Sweet Girl knew what she was playing with he inquired, "And what exactly would a quick bite include?" Thinking the girl was Flirting With Danger, he took a step closer And Then He Kissed Her.
She immediately took her bottle of BBQ sauce and hit him over the head. As he fell to the ground he thought he heard her say, "What a Waste. Akri and his stupid rules. Now What to Eat?"
The top two pictures are closeups of the characters (Mercy and Kate) on the following books/covers:
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