Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Nook eBook Giveaway of Murder, Mayhem and Mama by Christie Craig

Cali McKay’s mama isn’t ready to pass over to the “other side” yet. Her unlucky-in-love daughter needs her now more than ever. Before Mama can chain-smoke her way to heaven, she’s gotta make sure Cali’s ex deadbeat boyfriend doesn’t get her daughter killed.

Cali lost her mom to cancer. Detective Brit Lowell, lost his partner to murder. Now he’s in the mood to take down some dirtbags and Cali’s ex just happens to be a dirtbag leaving a trail of dead bodies behind him. Can Brit trust this beautiful woman to help take down her ex? Can Cali look past this sexy cop’s hard exterior to trust him with her heart? Can life get any crazier when Mama starts meddling from the grave? Only one thing is for sure–none of it will matter, unless they catch a killer before the killer catches them.


To see my review Click Here
 About Christie Craig

Christie Craig, an Alabama native, is an award-winning, multi-published writer, multi-published photo journalist, motivational speaker, and writing teacher.. (In other words, she is a very talented and busy person.) Her non-fiction articles and photography have appeared in almost three thousand national magazines. A Golden Heart finalist, and a finalist in more than fifty RWA-sponsored contests, she has gained a well-deserved reputation for writing romance fiction that has both witty humor and a suspenseful, sexy tone. Published by Silhouette in the 90s, she recently broke back into fiction in a big way, making four book sales in one day. Her non-fiction book, co-authored by Faye Hughes, released September 08, is The Everything Guide To Writing A Romance Novel and their second non-fiction book, a humorous self-help relationship book, Wild, Wicked and Wanton: 101 Ways to Love Like You Are in a Romance Novel was released in 2010. Craig also writes a young adult paranormal romance series, Shadow Falls, under the name C.C. Hunter which is published by St. Martins Press.

Thirteen things you'll learn from reading Murder, Mayhem and Mama:

  1. Grief sucks.  Love heals.
  2. Believe it or not, sometimes mama does know best.  Even when she’s dead.
  3. Painting your toenails is equivalent to a happy pill.
  4. Sometimes there’s a hell of lot more to our dreams than we think.
  5. When a tough guy resorts to sniffing a girl’s sweater that she left behind, he might as well give up the bachelor pad, he’s on the road to falling in love.   
  6. A guy who offers you a shoulder during a meltdown and doesn’t try to cop a feel, just may be a keeper.
  7. When a guy says all he wants to do is sleep with you, he might not be talking sex, you might just be his answer to insomnia.  Then again, he’ll probably want sex when he’s had some sleep.
  8. When all else fells, try saying the magic words:  please and thank you.  It’s a manner thing.
  9. Be leery of opening your boyfriends medicine cabinet, it’s not just what you might find, but what might fall out and bounce right into the toilet.  Explaining how his 36 pack of condoms got wet could be embarrassing.
  10. While being a better bitch isn’t something we should aspire to, learning to stand up for oneself is definitely goal worthy.
  11. Sharing food off each other’s plate could lead to sharing a toothbrush.  And after that, all bets, and possibly the clothes, are coming off.
  12. Bad habits die hard.  Then again, the sergeant general doesn’t say anything about smoking after you’re dead.  Just ask Mama.
  13. Take a man’s favorite leather jacket, and he might offer you his heart to get it back.
 Watch the book trailer:

Get your Copy from B&N Today!
Click on the above image to be transferred to Barnes & Noble to buy Murder, Mayhem and Mama.

Open to those with Nook book access either via a Nook or Nooks Apps who are 18 years old or older. Giveaway ends January 18th, midnight eastern time. Winners will be posted on my blog and notified by email or a message via Goodreads.You'll have 48 hours to respond to the email/message before another winner will be chosen. Good Luck! a Rafflecopter giveaway

1 comment:

  1. Thanks, Lisarenee! Loved the vid... now I'm off to read your review.


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