- Title: Lord of Rage
- Classification: Adult Fiction
- Genre: Paranormal Romance
- Format: Paperback, 288 pages
- Publisher: Harlequin (September 20, 2011)
- ISBN-10: 0373618689
- ISBN-13: 978-0373618682
- Author's website: http://www.jillmonroe.com/
- Notes: Contains violence.
Princess Breena lived a fairytale life until the day her kingdom was seized and her parents killed. She and her siblings were scattered throughout the Kingdom thanks to a spell cast by their mother before she died. Alone and confused by what had happened, she found herself wandering about in a forest. When she came across a cottage, she sought it's warmth and comfort. She had no idea's whose home it was. She just hoped as she drifted off to sleep that they wouldn't mind her presence.
When Osborn and his two brothers arrived home, they were surprised to find that someone had broken into their home. The last thing that Osborn expected to find was someone sleeping in his bed. When he realized that it was the woman who had been invading his dreams at night, he thought maybe he'd walked into his own fantasy.
This is the second book in the Royal House of Shadows tetralogy. In the last book, we learned the fate of Price Nicolai. In this book, we learn the fate of Princess Breena. For years she's invaded the dreams of a man she called her Warrior. She never expected to meet him. She always thought, "If the man barged out of her dreams, through her door and stalked across her chamber, she'd be frightened. He was little more than a savage. Fierce and primal."
This was a most enjoyable read by Ms. Monroe. I thought it a brilliant and creative rendition of Goldilocks and the three bears. One thing is for sure, if I broke into a house these are definitely the type of "bears" I'd want to wake up to. lol Osborn is a wonderful combination of strength, power, and utter maleness. As the story progresses Breena's powers increase, and so does her relationship with Osborn. Osborn's inner struggle to deny his feelings for Breena is fun to watch. On the Lisarenee's Romance Rating Scale this one gets a Steam rating - too hot for a fan, but I still got a handle on things. Very hot and steamy and just shy of needing a cold shower or your significant other to be handy. May want to refrain from reading this one in public. People might wonder why you're smiling and a little flushed.
I loved the fantastical tale Monroe came up with to explain how Berserkers came to be. It added an extra layer to the story. It's stories like these that make my green-eyed monster (jealousy) rear it's head, and then just as quickly disappear as I can't imagine the author enjoying writing the tale as much as I do reading it. Almost makes me feel guilty the author can't experience the book the way we readers can. I gave this one 4 1/2 out of 5 roses.
Check out this book trailer for the series:
Order series should be read:

1. Lord of the Vampires
2. Lord of Rage
3. Lord of the Wolfyn
4. Lord of the Abyss
Notes: Berserkers were warriors from Old Norse literature who fought in an almost uncontrollable, trance-like fury. The term beserk, as in 'going beserk', is thought to have originated from the condition of these fierce warriors. To learn more about Beserkers check out this like to Wikipedia:
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