- Title: Infinity: Chronicles of Nick
by Sherrilyn Kenyon
- Classification: Young Adult
- Genre: Urban Fantasy
- Format: Hardcover, 480 pages
- Publisher: St. Martin's Griffin; First Edition edition (May 25, 2010)
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 0312599072
- ASIN: B0048EL7RE
- Notes: I recommend reading this after reading Kenyon's Dark-Hunter series.
Nick is 14 and being bullied at his school. Wearing clothes from thrift stores in the trendy school is bound to get you noticed for the wrong reasons. He's a scholarship student going to a high priced school. His mom, an exotic dancer, has been raising him by herself. She was kicked out by her parents when she decided to keep Nick. Cherise is described as a down on her luck saint. Nick and she only have each other. When Nick makes the wrong choice one night, his short life almost comes to an end until Kyrian comes to his rescue. Shortly thereafter, Nick is introduced to a supernatural world he never would have imagined. He will learn things about the world and himself he never knew. So kick back and enjoy the ride with this one.
When I first saw the cover of this book I assumed it would be a graphic novel. Silly, silly me. I don't know where I got that thought in my head. This book is about how Nick became Kyrian's squire. How they met, how Ash met Nick, and how Nick got caught up in the world of the Dark-Hunters. It definitely explains the problems grown-up Nick is experiencing. There are also appearances by Tabitha, Simi, and the Peltiers. If you love the Dark-Hunters this is a must have. Also, the prologue states this is how Nick's life should have been. Also, there is a twist in the book that I didn't see coming. I gave this one 4 out of 5 roses.
Order to read series:

2) Invincible
3) Infamous (Coming tentatively February 1, 2012)
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