- Title: A Game of Thrones (A Song of Ice and Fire, #1)

- Classification: Adult Fiction
- Genre: Fantasy
- Format: Paperback, 720 pages
- Publisher: Bantam; Reprint edition (March 22, 2011)
- ISBN-10: 0553386794
- ISBN-13: 978-0553386790
- Notes: This book contains rape and violence to men, women, children, and animals alike. This is not a book for the faint of heart. There are some gory scenes. There are also incidents of incest. Additionally, there is language used which some may take offense of, but, in my humble opinion, is totally fitting with the book.
"When you play the game of thrones, you win or you die. There is no middle ground."
Oh, how profound and wise those words are. The iron throne has been ruled the past 14 or so years by King Robert Baratheon. The throne became his when he and his men defeated and killed King Targaryen and his royal line, thereby gaining the crown. Only the two youngest Targaryens escaped. While summer has been long, lasting years,
winter is coming. But the winter in this land brings not only cold, but something more sinister. No one is safe. Tragedy can strike anyone, and there is no where to hide. Yes, the phrase
'Winter is coming' means more than just a warning of inclement weather. It is a warning to be prepared and alert, for dark forces are at work and the games are just about to begin.
Oh. My. Gah! This is an awesome book. I, for one, could not help becoming attached to the characters. My favorites are Daenerys, Jon Snow, and Tyrion (aka the Imp). Hmmm... Does this mean I have apathy for the underdogs? Maybe. In a story likened to a game of chess, strategy is everything. Make the wrong move or alliances and it could get you killed. With more players than just two perhaps it would be better to say it's a combination of Chess, Chinese Checkers, and Craps. At times Mr. Martin talked of a character rolling the dice and taking a chance. As none of us ever truly knows the outcome of things, life is a game of chance. Plenty of twists, turns, and questions to be encountered in this book. I would say this is like King Arthur's court meets Dynasty (the 80's evening soap opera) and Night of the Living Dead. Oh yeah, zombie like beings are in this one. Plus, more fantastical creatures are yet to come. This is Fantasy at it's finest. I'd end this review by saying winter is coming, but I fear winter has already arrived by the end of the book. I gave it
5 out of 5 roses. Oh, and if you see some crazy woman going around saying, 'Winter is coming' in the middle of the summer heat, it's probably me or one of my Goodreads friends. ;)

Looking for someone to read the series with? Check out my Goodreads group, of which I'm one of the moderators. We voted A Song of Ice and Fire as our current group series read. We just finished the first book, A Game of Thrones, but it was read in a way that anyone can join in and not encounter any spoilers if you don't want to. We read 4 chapters a day and revealed both our thoughts and our suspicions. The first three posts of the topic contain each day's questions, a break down of the chapters (they weren't numbered), and who was assigned to which questions. Plus, if you've been watching the HBO series of the same name, I've been told the first book and TV version seem to be in agreement for the most part. So feel free to join in with us starting with the second book, which we will probably be starting July 5th. The more the merrier is what I always say. Hope you'll join us. Here is a link to the discussion in my group, Nothing but Reading Challenges:
Order of series:
A Game of Thrones (A Song of Ice and Fire, #1)
A Clash of Kings (A Song of Ice and Fire, #2)
A Storm of Swords (A Song of Ice and Fire, #3)
A Feast for Crows (A Song of Ice and Fire, #4)
A Dance with Dragons (A Song of Ice and Fire, #5) coming July 12, 2011
Get the boxed set of the first four books of the series to save a few bucks or preorder Season One of the HBO series on DVD or Blu-ray. If you click on the DVD or Blu-ray link below you'll be transferred to Amazon:
Game of Thrones: The Complete First Season (DVD)
Game of Thrones: The Complete First Season (Blu-ray)