Title: Extreme Exposure
Classification: Adult Fiction
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Series: I-Team
Format: Paperback; 352 Pages
Publisher: Berkley (August 2, 2005)
ISBN-10: 0425206335
ISBN-13: 978-0425206331
Author's Website: http://www.pamelaclare.com/
Notes: The f-bomb is dropped in this one as well as one or two other such words.
Kara McMillan is a well respected reporter for the Denver Independent. She's also a single mom doing her best to juggle her career and motherhood. For the past five years those two things have dominated her world. Her son's father is a deadbeat dad and severed his relationship with her when he found out she was pregnant. She's shied away from a relationships since then. When she meets Reece Sheridan, a respected Colorado Senator, at a local bar, things could not have gone worse. A little tipsy she finds herself sticking her foot in her mouth. Luckily, the two had talked prior to ever meeting and her faux pas does not deter him. He'd already been intrigued with her because of the phone interview, and subsequent article she'd written which helped him get an alternative energy bill passed. When Kara's latest story lands her with death threats, it's Reece who comes to her aid putting his own life in jeopardy as well. That's when Kara finally decides that maybe it's time she took another chance at love.
My husband often makes fun of my romance books. He jokingly says they're no better than chewing gum for the mind. You get no real substance from them and, in affect, are not beneficial to one. Well, I always beg to differ with him, and this is truly a book he can't make that claim about. This story could have stood on it's own without the romance, but what fun would that have been? The main story blew me away with it's intensity. It reminded me a bit of the 2000 movie, Erin Brockovich, which featured Julia Roberts. The chemistry between Kara and Reece is sizzling. The characters are lifelike. I loved watching Kara's investigation go from research to the point where she could publish an article with enough evidence to support her claims. I always thought being an investigative reporter would be fun, but now I'm a bit glad that was never part of my career path. It's dangerous. Pamela Clare should know. She's actually a reporter for a Colorado based newspaper, and is one of the few, if not the only, romance author who can claim to have had a mad man hold a gun on her. Yikes! So to all the investigative journalists who make our world a better place, and rarely get the recognition you deserve, thank you.
So where does the series get it's name? From the fact that the group of individuals who work on a big story are called the I-Team (aka Information-Team). Where does the title come into play? Well, I not exactly sure, but I believe it's due to the fact that those living near to or working in the factory that's been called into question are exposed to extreme environmental hazards. My rating for this one is 5 out of 5 roses.

________________________ Spreading the Love of Reading One Book at a Time _______________________
This blog is for anyone whoever picked up a book and couldn't put it down. It's for anyone who loves to read and reads often. It's for anyone like me who's been seduced by a book and can't wait to discuss it.
Monday, May 30, 2011
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Legacy (Legacy, #1) by Cayla Kluver
- Title: Legacy (Legacy Trilogy Series) by Cayla Kluver
- Classification: Young Adult
- Genre: Fantasy
- Published by: Harlequin (June 28, 2011)
- Format: Paperback , 496 pages
- ISBN-13: 9780373210343
- ISBN: 0373210345
Two Kingdoms at war...
Hytanica and Cokyri have been at war for years. The last attack took place almost 16 years ago. The fighting ended abruptly, and that is when the kidnappings began. infant sons born during the Bleeding moon suddenly began disappearing from Hytanica. When the kidnappings finally ended, all but the last child was found dead.
A Legend....
The legend of the Bleeding Moon claims "that the Kingdom of Hytanica was built on sacred ground, and that because of this, she would forever be protected.". "The legend further held that Hytanica can be defeated by one of her sons who bears the mark of the bleeding moon."
A Forbidden Attraction...
Princess Alera must marry the next King of Hytanica. Her father's choice, Steldor, is not hers.
When a mysterious boy believed to be Cokyrian (Narian) is captured, it is discovered that he is the missing child who's body was never recovered. While most are leery of his return, Princess Alera finds herself attracted to him. Now Princess Alera must choose between the destiny chosen for her or one of her own making.
The Review:
I have to say, I absolutely loved the book and can't believe I hadn't heard of it before now. This is one of the types of stories I love to read. There is a legend, a mystery, and a little romance. The characters are lovable, the emotions feel real, and the story.... well, it's utterly enchanting and engaging. There is a cliffhanger at the end which will have you wanting the next book ASAP. I will probably need to buy this book because if I love a book the e-book version (which is what I received) just won't do. I'm hoping the next book will be published sooner than Ms. Kluver's website claims. I don't want to wait another year. I wonder if I can start a petition to get it out sooner? I will be one of the first in line to buy the sequels. This was a total and utter book seduction for me. I gave this one 5 out 5 roses.
The author first went the self publishing route with this book and it was later picked up by Amazon Encore. It is being released on June 28th by Harlequin Teen in paperback. The other notable thing about the author is that she wrote the story when she was 14 or 15 years old. That in no way swayed my rating for the book. If I don't care for a story, I'll let you know. You can purchase the paperback version of the book next month at Barnes & Noble or The Book Depository. The hardback can be purchased at Barnes & Noble, The Book Depository, as well a at Amazon. I did not see the paperback version being sold on Amazon. FYI The book Depository is selling the paperback version cheaper than Barnes & Noble by two dollars and shipping is free.
Link to Barnes & Noble: http://search.barnesandnoble.com/Legacy/Cayla-Kluver/e/9780373210343/?itm=1&USRI=legacy+cayla
Link to The Book Depository:
Upcoming books in the series:
1. Allegiance (Projected to be released in late 2011 or early 2012)
2. Sacrifice (Projected to be released in late 2012)
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Upcoming books in the series:
1. Allegiance (Projected to be released in late 2011 or early 2012)
2. Sacrifice (Projected to be released in late 2012)
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Wednesday, May 25, 2011
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