Fear the Darkness by Sherrilyn Kenyon.

According to Kenyon's website: "This is a special thank you to readers for all the great years. It's a small story about Nick's homecoming to New Orleans after his mother's death and after Katrina."
Free story can be downloaded from (look for the above cover in the box labeled Free Story):
Link to "Fear the Darkness" by Sherrilyn Kenyon
Somehow I think we should be thanking her.:)
A Hathaway Wedding by Lisa Kleypas is a free short story available via email on Lisa's website.
Link to Lisa's website: http://www.lisakleypas.com/
Link to free short story, A Hathaway Wedding by Lisa Kleypas:
Here is the link to Kelley Armstrong's free stories:
The below information was gotten from Kelley's website:
One of the 2010 stories. What did Derek and Simon do when they were separated from Chloe in The Awakening? Find out in this story, now in progress.
How Derek and Simon’s dad disappeared and they ended up at Lyle House.
Origin story for Katiana, an Edison Group subject who also appears in “Kisses from Hell.” First published in Eternal Kiss.
Very short story written as an extra for Frostbitten. It takes place before the book begins, and launched the investigation that eventually led Elena and Clay to Alaska.
Short story originally published in SpectraPulse Magazine. In Frostbitten, Elena mentions tracking a killer in Winnipeg. This is that story.
This graphic novella tells the story of Elena’s “becoming” a werewolf—that dark period from the time Clay bites her through her escape to Toronto.
Framed novella
Nick wakes up next to a stranger. Nothing new for Nick…except that this woman’s dead. He’s sure he’s being framed. With the rest of the Pack busy, he’s determined to handle this on his own.
Talia discovers the truth about her son, Adam’s, heritage.
Xavier gets the “From Hell” letter theft job.
The Case of the Half-Demon Spy
Paige & Adam’s first sleuthing adventure.
Karl Marsten before the events of Bitten.
Eve’s incarceration at the compound.
A Kenneth adventure!
Truth & Consequences
Here I first created the character of Elena. If you’ve read Bitten, you may recognize some aspects of the story, which were briefly recounted there. The events were the impetus (or excuse) for Elena deciding to leave the Pack—a resolve which she must break at the start of Bitten." (All the above Free online story information gotten off of Kelley's website, so check it out!)
From Jennifer Estep, the author of Spider's Bite, Web of Lies, and Venom
Here is the link to the short stories by Jennifer Estep(scroll down once you're there):
The following information was found on Jennifer Estep's website. For more information on Jennifer and to read some of her excerpts and the free short stories listed below check out her website:
http://www.jenniferestep.com/ :)
Some of the free short stories you'll find on Jennifer Estep's website are:
"Spider’s Bargain: This is a short story that takes place before the events of Spider’s Bite, the first book in the Elemental Assassin series. In Spider’s Bargain, Gin Blanco takes on a corrupt cop, but only one of them will be left standing in the end.
Web of Death: This short story takes place after the events of Spider’s Bite but before the beginning of Web of Lies. In Web of Death, Gin Blanco’s retirement is interrupted by some unwanted guests.
Web of Deceit: This short story takes place when Gin is a teenager. It’s told from the point of view of Fletcher Lane, Gin’s assassin mentor, and focuses on Gin’s first solo job as the assassin the Spider.
Poison: This short story takes place when Gin is a teenager and is told from the point of view of Finnegan Lane, Gin’s foster brother.
Wasted: This short story takes place in between the events of Web of Lies and Venom. One day, a beautiful woman walks into the bank where Finn works, and trouble soon follows."
Tangled Dreams: This short story takes place in between the events of Venom and Tangled Threads. It’s told from the points of view of Jo-Jo Deveraux and her sister, Sophia Deveraux. When a carjacker follows an injured Gin back to Jo-Jo’s beauty salon, Jo-Jo and Sophia join forced to eliminate the threat.
Tangled Schemes: This short story spans a period of time starting from the last chapter of Spider’s Bite and ending right before the beginning of Tangled Threads. It’s told from Detective Bria Coolidge’s point of view and shows her search for her long-lost sister Genevieve Snow. What Bria doesn’t know is what she’s going to do about the fact that Genevieve also happens to be the assassin the Spider.
(The above descriptions are directly quoted from Jennifer's website to entice you to check out her website.)
From author Beth Fantasky there is an extra to Jessica's Guide to Dating on the Darkside called The Wedding of Antanasia Jessica Packwood and Lucius Valerieu Vladescu. It is available for free to read online on the author's website:
Link to Beth's website:
Link to the free short story, The Wedding of Antanasia Jessica Packwood and Lucius Valerieu Vladescu:
It is printer friendly.
Karen Chance's website has free short stories. They can be downloaded in eBook format.:
Stories include:
"The Gauntlet" (a Kit Marlowe short) is the prequel to "The Queen's Witch"
"The Queen's Witch" (a Kit Marlowe short)
"The Day of the Dead" - Contains spoilers for Touch the Dark and Claimed by Shadow.
"A Family Affair" (a John Pritkin short)
"Shadowland" (a John Pritkin short)
"Masks" (a Mircea Basarab short)
A link to Karen's website:
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