Three years ago something horrific happened to Grace's brother Jude. Daniel Kalbi had been Jude's best friend and was being raised in the Divine family like a foster brother. That night three years ago Daniel disappeared and so did his name from the Divine household. Now Daniel's back and Grace still doesn't know what happened. Torn between loyalty to her brother and feelings she's always held for Daniel she'll be put to the test. Slowly the mystery will unravel. Being a Pastor's daughter she is used to being told to forgive people of past deeds, but if even her brother can't forgive and accept Daniel can she? Very fun read. I gave it a 4 out of 5 stars.
Oh, and there is a paranormal element to this one. I look forward to reading the sequel.
I have this one on my Kindle waiting for me. I've had it on my list for a long time. I'm glad to know it's worth reading. I don't think any of my GR friends has read it so I didn't know.